What is Search Engine Optimization? (SEO)

By. Colin Tsui

For many internet marketers and online businessmen the terms search engine positioning, search engine placement or search engine marketing are synonymous with the more popular term known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Yet, there are many people who may not be familiar with this term and all that it entails.

Search engine optimization is a method used by businessmen and individual website owners alike and focuses on providing assistance to those who are seeking to improve their visibility on the web via search engines.

Most internet search engines function by using a ranking system that utilizes specific or targeted keywords and phrases to identify different aspects of the business. The process of SEO seeks to make use of these keywords in order to generate more hits by both visitors as well as the search engine tracking systems that are out scouring the entire worldwide web to catalog results to improve the quality of the search engines themselves.

The relationship between SEO and search engine is most prominent with major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Alta-Vista, Inktomi, as well as numerous others. By increasing the ranking of a website, particularly merchant or e-business sites, a key benefit is increased exposure to prospective customers that directs them to your website. This is a crucial issue especially in the light of some reports which suggest that internet users are less likely to look at search results past thirty or so.

Thus, it is by optimizing one's site to ensure them a place in this very important category which drives many to seek out methods to improve their sites.

By now, it should be obvious that SEO is valuable means of ensuring that a site is not only more accessible to search engines but that the odds of the site being found by the search engine are much greater. Many search engine optimization techniques go a step beyond keywords and keyword phrases to find way of improving website design, overall content quality, and the use of links as an optimization tool.

The term SEO is often used to refer to search engine optimizers, or those that make up a growing industry of individual consultants and groups that are hired specifically to optimize the websites of their clients.

Other, more technical elements of SEO technique involve updating HTML code as well as choosing new targeted keyword phrases that will have more effective placement and show up in queries.

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