Can Search Engine Optimization Really Help Build A Profitable Online Business?

By. Mike Tansey

While there are several ways to market a business and generate traffic, search engine optimization is on the top of the list to help you build a profitable online business. By providing fresh content that is related towhat the public is looking for, your online home business will have a better chance of generating traffic. So what is search engine optimization you may be wondering?

Search engine optimization is a way for you to get your site listed on the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. How you climb to the top is by using keyword optimization and promoting various keywords. Then, as people search in the search engines for those keywords, your website is represented thus enhancing your chances of building a profitable online business.

How you feel about your product is important, but nothing to the magnitude of how the customers feel about it. In order to have a profitable online business, you have to research and find out what the public is searching for. Two sites that can help you identify this are and By typing in the common phrase that your website is optimized for, such as affiliate marketing opportunity, results will then appear for various ways people search for that keyword.

After finding what ways are searched most, you can then modify the pages of your online home business to accommodate the terms people look for. You can optimize keywords throughout your website, on articles, and on your blog. How you present these keywords without sounding repetitive is crucial to building a profitable online business.

The keywords should be the most common phrases on your page and stand out. By throwing in one of your keywords every paragraph or two within the flow of the content, you get the keyword mentioned several times without it being noticed. If you are just sticking the keywords in a number of places, it floods the readers and makes the content less professional.

Aside from getting your keywords in each paragraph, the best way to promote your online home business through keyword optimization is by placing your targeted keywords from top left through bottom right of the page. The main keywords should be placed in the title and a couple times in the first paragraph. The reason for this is because many people don't scroll throughout the whole page, so it is important that you get your point across right from the start.

Building a profitable online business requires a great deal of marketing and advertising. With search engine optimization, you can promote your website for free while offering quality content at the same time.

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