Search Engine Optimization SEO: Finding the Right Keyword Search Terms

By. Daryl Campbell

In the old days, it was relatively easy to find the information you wanted online. Few internet users bred fewer online companies. Many of these places did not offer pages and pages of products or information since most of the online businesses still expected people to get what they needed from the offline world. The internet was the equivalent of shopping at a rinky dink five and ten cents store after you had exhausted all of your options at the bigger and better places.

That was then, this is now. According to recent information compiled by Internet World Stats, there are now 1,173,109,925 internet users. This has naturally caused the number of online businesses to increase and by extension the amount of choices the average internet user has at their fingertips.

And what makes this cyber world go around? Search engines. Providers like Yahoo, MSN and the biggest of them all, The Google, have set up an online lexicon which allows people to type in certain keyword search terms, hit enter and be presented with a list of relevant information.

For online business to take advantage of this system (i.e. bringing internet traffic and potential customers to their website) requires them to utilize two key functions of search engine optimization seo. One is to supply pertinent useful content on a regular basis to internet users. The other is to make sure the keyword search terms you choose match your website content. If search engines are the vehicles that run along the information superhighway than keywords are the fuel that makes them go. Choose the wrong ones and the chances of people finding your website will be slim and none.

One of the first things you should take into account when doing keyword research is what sort of response will these keyword search terms produce. The trick is to select words that are targeted to the specific audience you are trying to reach. By doing this you increase not only the chances of getting a steady flow of internet traffic to your website but also attracting customers who are in the frame of mind to buy your product or at least be receptive to what you're offering.

Go back and study your website content, then find and compile a list of keywords related to that topic. You can use any keyword research tool for this. Just type in a general word or phrase, and then check the results. You will notice many variations that do not match your keyword or item exactly. That's okay. As long as people are searching for those terms and it is related to your subject matter feel free to place them on your lists.

Don't fall into the trap of believing you have to choose the keywords with the highest search results. Yes they are the most popular and will bring you the highest amount of traffic and search engine rankings but there is a lot of competition for these keywords.

It's best to start out using words and phrases which may not be at the top of the page but still provide good search results. For instance if you were building a content site with the main keyword being Harry Potter (626,844 search results) you would have a lot of competition. But a keyword phrase like "new Harry Potter book", yields fewer results (5,088) but also way less competition while still delivering a potential for targeted customers and a steady flow of internet traffic to your site.

The overwhelming majority of your website traffic is going to come from the search engines. Just remember to provide good content, do some research on your target market and choose keyword search terms with excellent search results and low competition. By doing this, you will be on your way to success with search engine optimization seo. 

About The Author

Daryl Campbell invites you to get more free tips, video, step by step coaching and up to the minute information to help you grow your business into a long term success at The Internet Marketing Guide

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