Better Search Engine Placement Secrets Revealed

By. Bruce Nolan

Better search engine placement is what separates the traffic winners from the losers. As technology progresses, search engine robots are getting smarter every day. Besides employing solid on-page SEO, off-page elements like back links are critical. No doubt about it, the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN place high importance on the presence of back links to determine where your site ranks in their search results. Read on to learn the best methods and techniques to get better search engine placement by building back links to your site.

There are many different ways you can get back links. Some can really leverage your time investment while others are a complete waste. Read on for some important considerations when it comes to pursuing those coveted links to your website.

Better Search Engine Placement Secret #4: Inbound links are better than reciprocal.

The best links to your site are those where another relevant site links to your site and your site does not reciprocate by linking to theirs. This is generally advisable in order to protect your Google PageRank from being "leaked" to the other site. If another site truly has quality content that would be of value to your visitors it is still probably worth linking to that site. You can write a review or recommendation of the site along with the link and that outbound link can still be valuable content. Do not link to another site with the expectation that they will link to you. Most likely they won't. Do it because you believe your readers will truly benefit from that other site's information.

Better Search Engine Placement Secret #3: Relevancy is key.

However you decide to get back links, you want to get links from sites that are focused on the same topic or theme as your own. For example, a site that is about how to reduce the amount of taxes you pay won't gain anything from a link from a website on the topic of growing rare flowers. So when you're building links, focus on methods that get you links from thematically "like-minded" sites.

Better Search Engine Placement Secret #2: Paying for links versus free links.

Paying for links actually works better for getting a new site indexed than for improving a site's search engine rank. Your site's placement probably won't be helped unless you're willing to keep paying for that link. The reason it does work for indexing is that highly ranked sites are visited frequently by search engine robots and will get your new site found more quickly and indexed. Paying for links is generally not necessary. You should be able to achieve the same effect for free by posting comments or questions along with your web link on related forums. If you decide you want to try paying for a link, you should try to get one with a theme related to yours.

Better Search Engine Placement Secret #1: Article Marketing.

This is the best way to get quality, one-way links to your site bar none. There is no better method to get inbound links from relevant sites than article marketing. Getting articles published builds your credibility as an expert, gets you immediate traffic from readers who click your author's link and most importantly gets your site better search engine placement and builds your long-term traffic. If you want to build your back links, then spend your time writing articles and distribute them around the web. Over time you will achieve better search engine placement and you will get more and more traffic.

About The Author

Want more traffic to your site without paid advertising?

Bruce Nolan helps you achieve better search engine placement using the power of article marketing.

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