Six Things Your Website Should Have To Acquire A Higher Ranking

By. Sandra Lightowler

Search engine optimization is the key to getting your website ranked right up there with the best. By taking cognizance of and implementing the six essentials of search engine optimization, website owners could easily acquire a much higher ranking for their website.

Here are 6 things you can do to help your website catch the "eye of the spider" and send its rankings soaring upwards:

1 Create Page Titles that are Catchy

The common feature of almost all pages that are highly ranked in search engine results is their unique and eye-catching page titles. Page titles, which are typically indicated in HTML, should quickly summarise your whole web page. This is of utmost importance and is the deciding factor in determining the ascending order in which the pages will be displayed every time a web search is conducted.

2 Insert Links that contain Descriptive Keywords

Search engines have a complex modus operand for finding and indexing different sites. They continuously index content as they go on following links from page to page. The ranking of the page gets an immediate boost if the page as well as its navigation menu contains relevant phrases and keywords that are pertinent to the content of the page.

3 Optimize your On-page Copy

Keywords strewn all over your on-page copy is a sure way of declaring to search engines what your page is all about. These keywords help the search engines rank your page and establish its relevance and appropriateness whenever a search term is entered.

4 Create a Website Design that is Clean and easily Accessible

It is critical that you or your website designer should be familiar with standards compliant website design before setting out to design your website. Some of the most common errors made by novice website designers include an over-abundance of graphics, 404 errors, content that lays hidden behind various forms, over-stuffed HTML codes and too many re-directs. All these factors severely hamper the search engines indexing ability and render it incapable of indexing your site.

5 Keep Your Site Topic Focused

If you dabble in many products, it is more fruitful to develop several websites, each focusing on a niche product rather than have all your products featured on one generic website. For example, when a search term is entered for "coffee percolators"; a site that is focused on selling only coffee percolators will fare better than a site that lists a wide range of kitchen or household appliances.

6 Maintain Incoming Link Relevancy

Having plenty of back links and reciprocal links has always been an important determining factor for ranking a page. However, keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity. Far better and more productive to get one or two valuable links from relevant sites or reliable authority sites than to seek links from unrelated sites. In fact, having tons of links from sites that are unproven or are completely unrelated could in fact get your de-ranked immediately.

About The Author

Sandra Lightowler is a Senior Web Developer at PS Website Design Web Design Spain.

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