How to Prospect Your SEO Company

By. Moe Tamani

Search engine optimization is one of the best techniques to make sure that you will obtain the most strategic position in search engines. The logic is definitely more than just having the ability to increase your page rank or boosting your traffic.

When there are more people who can find you, you will be able to also elevate your ROI for your business.
But the process of SEO can sometimes be a daunting task. You have to allocate as many hours as you can every day. Moreover, if you don't know how to do SEO, you have to train yourself the best tricks, and it will take you months before you can even consider yourself great with it. Your best option therefore will be to hire an SEO company that can take care of everything for you.

How to Search for an SEO Company
Today, it's not advisable to settle for just any kind of SEO company. There are already several companies that are not actually capable of doing the job. Worse, several are scammers, which means they wouldn't be producing anything for you, but would definitely get your money.

To make sure that you make the right decision, ask the following questions to your prospective SEO company:

1. How do you exactly perform link building?
Link building is one of the most essential elements of search engine optimization. Not only does it help you increase traffic to your site, but you can also increase the ranking of your webpages in search engine.

A good SEO company is very much aware that search engines are after quality links. This means that you don't have to look for hundreds of links pointing to your site. What's important is that every inbound and outbound link is relevant to your chosen niche. For instance, if your website is selling acne treatments, you will have more chances of having an excellent PR if you link to sites that are related to beauty and wellness.

However, the task of link building is very time-consuming. Thus, there are already a lot of SEO companies that take a shortcut. They make use of automated linking programs that will definitely produce countless links in just a matter of minutes. Sounds simple, isn't it? Wait until you realize that you have been penalized by search engines. Here are some of the reasons:

1. Search engines are wary of multiple links that go to your site in a day. SEO specialists may feel like that they can get away with search engines that easily until they discover that their dirty tricks have been found out. They can easily spot if something seems unnatural with the technique, such as when you have more than 100 links going to your site in just one day.

2. You get a bad vote. Every inbound link that goes to your site is considered as 1 vote. If your SEO company uses an automated program, there could be links that come from bad neighborhood. These are link farms, advertising sites, and other websites that are totally unrelated to your chosen niche.

2. Do you practice cloaking?
Cloaking is considered to be unethical by search engines and professional SEO specialists. This is because you are completely misleading the spiders and your Internet visitors. In cloaking, the webpages that can be seen by your users are entirely different from the one seen by search engine spiders. There could be a lot of reasons for it, but usually, it is to trick these crawlers to index the site quickly.

If your SEO company practices this one, you will be removed from the search engines. And there's a huge chance that you will never have your pages indexed even if you correct the mistakes.

3. Do you have hidden links or texts?
This is very similar with no. 2, only that we're not talking about a complete page here. There could be some codes that are perfectly hidden by Internet users but very visible to search engine spiders. The purpose is still to trick spiders in indexing the page as fast as possible and eventually emerge in the top spots. The consequences are also the same with no. 2.

4. Was there ever a time that you got into trouble with search engines?
You deserve to ask this question. After all, you want to be sure that you are working with not only good but a professional SEO company. Now you have to watch out as those that may have some experience with search engine penalization may tell you otherwise. The next best thing that you can do is to ask for some references from them. You can ask their previous clients about their experience with the company.

Of course, when they would answer yes, you may want to give the company a second thought. You may have to give them benefit of the doubt and proceed with the deal. Nevertheless, always be cautious.

About The Author

Moe Tamani is a Marketing expert with a leading Dallas based SEO Company specializing in Organic search engine optimization.

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