The Top Three SEO Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

By. Derek Both

Many webmasters make the simple mistake of thinking that people want to see a nice, organised website that has lots of good content on it and plenty of visuals and things to look at to keep them informed and entertained. While this may be partially true, it is not entirely true in many cases.

While you might think you are doing a good thing with your actinic SEO by optimising your page to the fullest to achieve maximum traffic, you could be hurting your traffic without ever even having a clue. Are you hurting your own traffic? Read on to see if you are guilty of committing any of the top three SEO mistakes you should not be making with your web site. Actinic SEO may help you to keep your site from actually working against your traffic.

People who don't make use of their title tag and optimise it may be working against their efforts to generate traffic. It is important to optimise the title tag accordingly, but don't just throw a list of keywords up there.

Try and utilise a main keyword and your company name if possible. Another great way of making use of the title tag is to have it optimised to go with the optimised content on the web page. The title tag is a great tool in actinic SEO, and if you aren't making use of it then you are missing out on a valuable search engine friendly optimisation tool.

Some people like flash animations and some webmasters love them. Internet users have a love-hate relationship with flash; if they are unfortunate enough to still have to dial up for the internet flash can be a website browser's worst enemy. At best, keep it simple and don't forget to give the user a way out. A skip this buttons work very well for this purpose.

You don't want to frustrate your users to the point of them going elsewhere for their product, service, or information that they were originally planning on utilising your website for. This is an effective way of pushing away your traffic and having ineffective actinic SEO.

Using link farms to get the word out about your site or using paid link services is no way to get valuable content. As a matter of fact this can ruin the credibility of your site and people may overlook it for what it is worth.

The best way to get legitimate links back to your site is through good, solid content with legitimate links leading back to your site. Optimise your content with keywords and you have got gold, so long as the information you are providing is valuable. Keyword spamming your content is the worst thing you can do, another way to generate some links that aren't any good for your actinic SEO.

The idea behind your website is to get traffic, not lose it. You want to be as high on the search engine pages as you possibly can and by using actinic SEO you can really get this accomplished. In the meantime, don't forget to stay as far away from these top three mistakes as you can, and you should be just fine.

About The Author

Dnets use the services of professionals to enable us to provide complete solutions actinic seo is a well established business, providing expertise in the world of online solutions.Submitted by search engine consultants at

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