What Is Better To Optimize For Search User Or Search Engines

By. Court Tuttle

Starting out your own internet business or web page requires a lot of work and learning a few new tricks and tips to apply to your new business. Especially when you see others that are successful at what they are doing, you also want to be successful. So how exactly do you figure things out and get your web page ranked above everyone else's on the search engine's list?

One of the big discussions is whether or not you should optimize for the search users or the search engines. Both sides have pros and cons but as always, it is up to you to decide what is the best option for your own web page. And keep in mind that a it may have to depend a lot on what type of internet business you have decided to start and what your page is like. Every situation is different so you just need to look at what works best for you and your site.

When we talk about optimizing, we are saying that we are trying to tailor our page to meet the needs of either the search users themselves or the different search engines. Both subjects are looking at different things. You could always make a list of the pros and cons of both sides and then you can decide is what will fit your situation the best.

Choosing to optimize to the search engines means that your work may be simple and could even get you results very quickly. This way you are setting up your site differently because search engines look for different things. Many experts recommend that you always optimize to the search engines so that your page can get ranked on the sites within a few days of launching the site. They also recommend that you focus mainly on Google because they are one of the most used search engines on the web today. If your site gets ranked high on Google, you may not have to worry too much about the other sites.

Your other option is to optimize to the search users. This means that you are trying to meet the needs of the people who are looking for websites just like yours. This will require a bit more emotion and may require a bit more work also. When you are trying to market your site, you should keep in mind that there are more resources to find your web page than just the search engines. You could always try mass e-mails, newsletters, media and word of mouth are just a few other ideas. When you are optimizing to the search users, you are making your page a bit more exciting and something that will catch their eye rather than just some key phrases and words.

Just keep in mind that there are two sides to everything and but not necessarily a right or wrong way. Each option has benefits and each has set backs also. You just need to decide what works best with your business and try it out.

About The Author

Court provides internet marketing tips and is an expert on internet marketing.

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