5 Steps to Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings

By. Moe Tamani

Ever since business owners have discovered the importance of websites in boosting their profits and maintain or gather new customers, they have spent a good amount of time in front of their PCs. They have been tweaking their web pages in order to conform with the SEO tricks that they are learning. On the other hand, they spend their advertising money more on pay per click campaigns than in conventional print ads in newspapers. They are also into e-mail spamming, newsletter writing, and almost every imaginable Internet advertising method. With the many techniques that you may have known by now, you will always run out of time when you're doing Internet marketing. What should you do then? You just need to focus on these 5 huge steps to achieve top search engines rankings:

1. Get your content right. It's already clich, but the content is king approach still does wonders for search engines. This is because they prefer websites that aim to provide Internet users with quality information based on the niche that they belong to. Users, on the other hand, tend to increase your search engine rankings by adding your link at their own websites or sharing it to their friends and family members.

Nevertheless, there are some rules that you have to remember when it comes to content. Obviously, you're not allowed to copy them verbatim from any other website, or else, you'll be accused of plagiarism. The least thing that you can do is to at least make a rewrite. Moreover, though keywords are just as essential to attract search engine spiders, make sure that you don't overdo it to avoid getting any penalty.

2. Choose your keywords properly. Keywords are very essential to any website. They will be your bases for ranking. That's why it's very important that you choose your keywords properly. If not, you may be driving the wrong audience, those who are not interested in purchasing your products or availing of your services.

Fortunately, there are different kinds of keywords tools that you can utilize when you are searching for the right keywords. Overture and Google Adwords are free for you to use. If you want something more comprehensive, you can always go for WordTracker. Judge the choice of keywords based on their popularity and the value they have to Internet users.

3. Link your pages. Links serve as guide for search engine spiders. If you want to make sure that their visit is really pleasant, then you need to link your different web pages to one another. The best option is to make use of text links, since they add relevancy to your web pages. Moreover, you can add these text links at the bottom portion of your homepage.

Just focus on those pages that are very essential to your website and your visitors. Another technique is through the creation of sitemap. It will have all of the links to your web pages.

As a matter of fact, it's advisable for websites to have sitemaps. The good thing about them is that you can schedule the visit of search engine spiders to your webpage update. This way, they will always find new content to index in your website.

4. Focus on the structure of sites. There are a number of people that believe that too much glitter is actually gold. That is completely untrue when it comes to SEO. Animation and Flash are usually frowned upon for two reasons. First, they don't necessarily add value to your site in terms of SEO. Second, they can just slow down the speed during download, which, in turn, may compel Internet users to look for other websites.

What you need to concentrate on when it comes to site structures is to develop pages that are very convenient to navigate by Internet users and search engine spiders. A very good technique is to develop your pages the way that you're going to read a book. Hence, add keywords to your top-left portion.

5. Submit your website in directories. Why should you focus on submitting your site in directories and not search engines? It doesn't really mean that the latter is a bad move. However, as mentioned, search engine spiders will visit pages and just follow the links. If you are added in directories, you can still be found by these crawlers. Submitting in directories, not in search engines, will save you time.

There are hundreds of directories that you can find in the Internet, and though you may be tempted to submit your web pages to all of them to increase your chances, it could be best if you can seek those reputable ones. These are those that have PRs3 and up. You will benefit from their excellent search engine ranking.

Nevertheless, when you're using this technique, you must have patience as usually it may take months before you can get the result that you like. The nice thing about this is you will gain a permanent link.

About The Author

Moe Tamani is a Marketing expert helping reach Top Search Engine Rankings for companies through Organic Search Engine Optimization.

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