Search Engine Optimization or Pay Per Click? The Slam Dunk Answer

By. Moe Tamani

These days pay per click seems to be getting a lot more expensive. Hence, business website owners deem it appropriate to combine PPC with search engine optimization. This is so they will be able to take advantage of their exposure and give them a chance of having a much better position in search engines.

Stating the Difference between the Two
It should be known that both these strategies are completely different, and yet they can be used all together. They do perform hand in hand. As a business website owner, you need to completely understand the merits and demerits of each technique.

Search Engine Optimization
Let's compare search engine optimization with building the necessary infrastructure for your business. This is going to be one of your foundations, building blocks, for your website.

As long as you can do this right, you don't really have to extend a lot of effort on pay per click. The results that you will reap from this are definitely long term. They can last for months or even years, even when you have already stopped with your pay per click campaign.

Because of its importance, it is definitely not recommended that you stop the search engine optimization campaign as there are new techniques and tricks that you have to implement into your website. Nevertheless, whenever it's high time that you need to reduce the budget you have for your search engine optimization campaign, you don't have to worry a lot as you will still be reaping good results, though you will never expect it to be the same as your expectations. After all, websites that never stop their search engine optimization campaign will always emerge as no.1 or belong to the top positions.

The only downside with search engine optimization is the time and energy that you have to spend for it. You cannot actually look forward to seeing the results in a day's time. Normally, you will have to wait for around a month or even more, depending on the strategies that you have implemented.

For example, if you have settled for organic listing in directories, which means you didn't pay for your inclusion, it may take to half a year before you can hear from them or confirm if you have been included in their list. In other words, search engine optimization is the best choice if you're looking for long-term results, but if you want something that will support your short-term objective, you may want to settle for a pay per click campaign.

Pay Per Click
There are different advertising techniques. A long time ago, there a lot of companies that set their eyes on conquering televisions, radios, and even streets with their ads. With the onset of the Internet, they have discovered that effects of promotion can easily be seen, and thus, they are concentrating on the variety of ways to advertise their business online. One of the most efficient methods is pay per click, or

PPC, by nature, is very powerful. The campaign can definitely help you obtain a very good spot in search engines. Moreover, there's high sales conversion rates with your ad because you can select the most efficient keywords and determine the most ideal landing page. However, it doesn't really mean that it's completely different from other forms of advertising. Their common quality is that once you stop spending some money for your ads, the campaign will also cease.

Nevertheless, PPC is something you may need to undertake if you want a rigorous campaign for your business, especially when you're basically starting out. As soon as you're done signing up and paying for the campaign, you can already see your ads up on the website.

Which One Is It?
Indeed, search engine optimization and pay per click are opposite ends of the world. Knowing the difference will help you determine where you should focus on your energy more.

The good thing about PPC is that it becomes very convenient for you to quantify the results of your marketing campaign. This is because it has a beginning and an end. You will surely be able to calculate your return on investment and assess immediately if PPC is working well for you or if there are things that you need to make some adjustments on.

On the other hand, search engine optimization can take a very long time before you can see the results of your campaign. Second, it becomes a lot more difficult for you to determine the value of your campaign in terms of figures because the effects can extend long term. Yet you need to do this as SEO can guarantee you better placement in search engines.

A wise business website owner knows that he needs to do PPC and SEO. You should, however, know, too, the best time to apply any of these techniques.

About The Author

Moe Tamani is a Marketing expert with a leading Search Engine optimization Company specializing in organic Search Engine Optimization.

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